Dear Clients and Colleagues,
Using this page you can manually upload scanned copies of your documents or photos:
- Click the Upload button and select a file from your computer or mobile device ( PDF, JPG, etc.).
- Type your name and email address (required for identification and security purposes)
- Type your comments, if necessary
- When you’re done with your upload you can click Submit button.
To safeguard your privacy, all uploaded files are encrypted and delivered through our secured website. All uploaded files will be saved in your client’s profile with our company and will be used for the purposes pertaining to the services requested.
If you have any questions or would like to amend or destroy any of uploaded files/ documents/ photos, please contact our administrator at or call toll free 1-877-369-7775. Thank you!

У вас есть вопросы – звоните и пишите нам.
Мы обязательно свяжемся с вами в течение рабочего дня
для ответов на ваши вопросы или назначения расширенной консультации.